Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

How Visual Merchandising Impacts Your Store: Key Elements for Success

The world of retail is highly competitive. In every retail industry, business owners face an ongoing challenge to capture the attention of their potential customers and drive sales. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through strategic visual merchandising. When done right, visual merchandising can make the right impression, enhance the shopping experience, and ultimately lead to increased sales.

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Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

Tips and Tricks for Enhancing Your Living Space

Creating a living space that feels both functional and aesthetically pleasing is no small feat. With so many design elements to consider—from flow and furniture to lighting and décor—it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Whether you’re looking to minimize clutter, set the perfect ambiance, or upgrade your décor, these tips will help you transform your space into a place you love to come home to.

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Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

5 Benefits of Hiring the Right Luxury Commercial Architect

At Phillip Summers Architect, we meticulously craft a high-quality design while working closely with you to ensure it honors the unique elements of your brand. In today’s post, we’re discussing the impact of architecture on a commercial space. Here are five benefits to hiring the right luxury commercial architect for your project:

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Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

How Modern Design Benefits Each Family Member

In today’s post, we are going to explain what modern design is and share its distinguishing characteristics. Then, we’ll discuss how various family members living in a modern home can benefit–so you can be well-informed when it comes to your own home, whether you’re looking to renovate, build from scratch, or generally just improve your current space.

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Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

Residential Architecture: A Deep Dive Into the Process

In today’s blog, we’re going to break down the steps of our process before sharing our design philosophy. Again, we believe keeping our clients informed is everything–which starts even before a project begins!

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Phillip Summers Phillip Summers

Retail Architecture: Top 5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Retail Architect

Do you need a retail space that will catch your customers’ eyes and invite them to stick around? Whether you're starting fresh or giving your storefront a makeover, choosing the right architect is everything. The right architect will turn your vision into a reality, creating a space that not only attracts customers, but also enhances your brand's identity. In short, you need an amazing architect to create an amazing space, so you can achieve the very best return on your investment.

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