How Visual Merchandising Impacts Your Store: Key Elements for Success

The world of retail is highly competitive. In every retail industry, business owners face an ongoing challenge to capture the attention of their potential customers and drive sales. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through strategic visual merchandising. When done right, visual merchandising can make the right impression, enhance the shopping experience, and ultimately lead to increased sales.

But what exactly is visual merchandising, and how can you use it to set up your storefront for success? Let’s discuss the basics of visual merchandising and how you can use this crucial tool to grow your business.


What Is Visual Merchandising?

Visual merchandising is the art of designing and arranging a store's layout, displays, and overall aesthetic to attract customers and encourage them to make a purchase. This goes far beyond just making your store look nice; instead, it’s about creating an experience that resonates with your target audience. From the moment a customer walks through your doors, their journey through the store should be guided by intentional design choices that guide them through the store, highlight your best-selling products, and tell the unique story of your brand.

Ultimately, this experience is about creating an emotional connection with your audience through color, lighting, product placement, signage, music choices, and more. Not only does this emotional connection do a great job of communicating your brand, it can influence your customers’ purchasing decisions.

Take a store like Anthropologie, for instance. From the moment you step inside, you are taking part in their brand experience: An employee greets you at the door. The scent of seasonal candles wafts in your direction. Handmade displays of artwork hang from the ceilings. And among all these details are their clothes, carefully hung and arranged in thoughtful displays. Between all the sensory details and the employees clad in their cool apparel, a sense of exclusivity begins to emerge. You are in Anthropologie: an enjoyable, one-of-a-kind place, where it begins to feel like buying their clothes might make you as special as their showstopping art.

The best stores–whether they sell clothing, TVs, or candlesticks–make people forget they are customers and instead individuals with the power to make their lives better. Whether you are a small boutique or a large retail chain like Anthropologie, mastering the fundamentals of visual merchandising can set your store apart from the competition and encourage your audience to make purchases (and bring their friends the next time they visit).

The Elements of Effective Visual Merchandising

Let’s dive into some of the most important elements of great visual merchandising.

  1. Window Displays: This one might seem obvious, but it cannot be overlooked! Your store’s window display is the first impression customers have of your brand. This is your chance to catch their eye and encourage them to come inside. A well-designed window display should be both visually appealing and informative, showcasing your best products or current promotions. Consider using bold colors, creative themes, and dynamic arrangements to capture people’s attention. A window display is your store’s “advertisement” on the street, so you must make it count.

  2. Lighting: Lighting plays an important role in setting the mood and highlighting important areas of your store. The right architectural lighting–or lighting that is embedded in the building itself–can make products look more appealing, direct the flow of “traffic,” and create an inviting atmosphere. If you sell clothing, make sure the fitting rooms have fantastic soft lighting, because it’s important that your customers love how they look. Not only will they buy more clothes, they’ll be more likely to return to your store. This goes back to the emotional connection piece: if your customers enjoy how they look in your fitting room, this becomes a part of their brand experience, in which they feel like an attractive “main character” in your store. Chances are, they will want to experience that feeling again–and will come back.

  3. Product Placement: Where you place your products in the store significantly impacts how customers interact with them. High-margin or seasonal items should be placed at eye level in high-traffic areas, while complementary products can be grouped together to encourage additional purchases. Make sure your layout allows for easy navigation, and consider their customer journey—from entrance to checkout—when arranging your merchandise. Another thing to consider is the “color story” your products are creating through placement. Not only should the various colors of your products create a cohesive overall look, you can arrange the colors to create intrigue, generate excitement about new lines of products, and more, depending on what your current business goals are.

The Role of a Commercial Architect in Visual Merchandising Success

While the elements above are crucial to effective visual merchandising, the foundation of your store’s success starts with its architectural design. That’s why it is important to hire an experienced commercial architect who will ensure your space is optimized for both aesthetics and functionality. A well-designed store layout will enhance customer flow, highlight key merchandise, and set the foundation for a standout branding experience that connects with your customers and keeps them coming back.

Phillip Summers Architect specializes in creating commercial spaces that not only look stunning but also support your business goals. From initial layout to final details, our team works closely with you to ensure your store’s design aligns with your visual merchandising strategy. We understand that every square foot of your store is valuable and are committed to helping you make the most of it.


Article written and reviewed by Phillip Summers, AIA

Get in Touch with Phillip Summers Architect

Ready to take your store’s visual merchandising to the next level? Consider partnering with Phillip Summers Architect. We offer architectural design services for luxury commercial properties, ensuring that your space is both beautiful and functional.

Based in Brookfield, Connecticut, we serve businesses in the surrounding communities and New York City. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you create a retail environment that attracts new customers and keeps long-time customers coming back, driving your store’s success.


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